id: InventoryAdjusted
name: Inventory adjusted
version: 1.0.1
summary: |
Indicates a change in inventory level
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- id: inventory.{env}.events
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
schemaPath: 'schema.avro'
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `Inventory Adjusted` event is triggered whenever there is a change in the inventory levels of a product. This could occur due to various reasons such as receiving new stock, sales, returns, or manual adjustments by the inventory management team. The event ensures that all parts of the system that rely on inventory data are kept up-to-date with the latest inventory levels.
## Architecture diagram
## Payload example
Event example you my see being published.
```json title="Payload example"
"Name": "John Doe",
"Age": 30,
"Department": "Engineering",
"Position": "Software Engineer",
"Salary": 85000.50,
"JoinDate": "2024-01-15"
## Schema (avro)
## Producing the Event
Select the language you want to produce the event in to see an example.
```python title="Produce event in Python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json
from datetime import datetime
# Kafka configuration
producer = KafkaProducer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Event data
event_data = {
"event_id": "abc123",
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z',
"product_id": "prod987",
"adjusted_quantity": 10,
"new_quantity": 150,
"adjustment_reason": "restock",
"adjusted_by": "user123"
# Send event to Kafka topic
producer.send('inventory.adjusted', event_data)
```typescript title="Produce event in TypeScript" frame="terminal"
import { Kafka } from 'kafkajs';
// Kafka configuration
const kafka = new Kafka({
clientId: 'inventory-producer',
brokers: ['localhost:9092']
const producer = kafka.producer();
// Event data
const eventData = {
event_id: "abc123",
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
product_id: "prod987",
adjusted_quantity: 10,
new_quantity: 150,
adjustment_reason: "restock",
adjusted_by: "user123"
// Send event to Kafka topic
async function produceEvent() {
await producer.connect();
await producer.send({
topic: 'inventory.adjusted',
messages: [
{ value: JSON.stringify(eventData) }
await producer.disconnect();
```java title="Produce event in Java" frame="terminal"
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.*;
import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.time.Instant;
public class InventoryProducer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Kafka configuration
Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
props.put(ProducerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "inventory-producer");
props.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());
props.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class.getName());
Producer producer = new KafkaProducer<>(props);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
// Event data
Map eventData = new HashMap<>();
eventData.put("event_id", "abc123");
eventData.put("timestamp", Instant.now().toString());
eventData.put("product_id", "prod987");
eventData.put("adjusted_quantity", 10);
eventData.put("new_quantity", 150);
eventData.put("adjustment_reason", "restock");
eventData.put("adjusted_by", "user123");
// Create producer record
ProducerRecord record = new ProducerRecord<>(
// Send event to Kafka topic
producer.send(record, (metadata, exception) -> {
if (exception != null) {
System.err.println("Error producing message: " + exception);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
### Consuming the Event
To consume an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka consumer configuration in Python:
```python title="Consuming the event with python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
# Kafka configuration
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Consume events
for message in consumer:
event_data = json.loads(message.value)
print(f"Received Inventory Adjusted event: {event_data}")
id: OrderAmended
name: Order amended
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Indicates an order has been changed
- order-management
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
schemaPath: schema.avro
- id: orders.{env}.events
env: staging
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The OrderAmended event is triggered whenever an existing order is modified. This event ensures that all relevant services are notified of changes to an order, such as updates to order items, quantities, shipping information, or status. The event allows the system to maintain consistency and ensure that all dependent services can react appropriately to the amendments.
## Example payload
```json title="Example Payload"
"orderId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"userId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"amendedItems": [
"productId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"productName": "Example Product",
"oldQuantity": 2,
"newQuantity": 3,
"unitPrice": 29.99,
"totalPrice": 89.97
"orderStatus": "confirmed",
"totalAmount": 150.75,
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
## Schema (Avro)
## Schema (JSON)
id: OrderCancelled
name: Order cancelled
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Indicates an order has been canceled
- order-management
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
schemaPath: 'schema.json'
- id: orders.{env}.events
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The OrderCancelled event is triggered whenever an existing order is cancelled. This event ensures that all relevant services are notified of the cancellation, allowing them to take appropriate actions such as updating inventory levels, refunding payments, and notifying the user. The event helps maintain consistency across the system by ensuring all dependent services are aware of the order cancellation.
## Example payload
```json title="Example payload"
"orderId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"userId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"orderItems": [
"productId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"productName": "Example Product",
"quantity": 2,
"unitPrice": 29.99,
"totalPrice": 59.98
"orderStatus": "cancelled",
"totalAmount": 59.98,
"cancellationReason": "Customer requested cancellation",
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
## Schema
JSON schema for the event.
id: OrderConfirmed
name: Order confirmed
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Indicates an order has been confirmed
- order-management
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
schemaPath: schema.json
- id: orders.{env}.events
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The OrderConfirmed event is triggered when an order has been successfully confirmed. This event notifies relevant services that the order is ready for further processing, such as inventory adjustment, payment finalization, and preparation for shipping.
## Architecture Diagram
## Payload
```json title="Example payload"
"orderId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"userId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"orderItems": [
"productId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"productName": "Example Product",
"quantity": 2,
"unitPrice": 29.99,
"totalPrice": 59.98
"orderStatus": "confirmed",
"totalAmount": 150.75,
"confirmationTimestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
## Schema
id: OutOfStock
name: Inventory out of stock
version: 0.0.4
summary: |
Indicates inventory is out of stock
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- id: inventory.{env}.events
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `Inventory Adjusted` event is triggered whenever there is a change in the inventory levels of a product. This could occur due to various reasons such as receiving new stock, sales, returns, or manual adjustments by the inventory management team. The event ensures that all parts of the system that rely on inventory data are kept up-to-date with the latest inventory levels.
### Payload
The payload of the `Inventory Adjusted` event includes the following fields:
```json title="Example of payload" frame="terminal"
"event_id": "string",
"timestamp": "ISO 8601 date-time",
"product_id": "string",
"adjusted_quantity": "integer",
"new_quantity": "integer",
"adjustment_reason": "string"
### Producing the Event
To produce an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka producer configuration in Python:
```python title="Produce event in Python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json
from datetime import datetime
# Kafka configuration
producer = KafkaProducer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Event data
event_data = {
"event_id": "abc123",
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z',
"product_id": "prod987",
"adjusted_quantity": 10,
"new_quantity": 150,
"adjustment_reason": "restock",
"adjusted_by": "user123"
# Send event to Kafka topic
producer.send('inventory.adjusted', event_data)
### Consuming the Event
To consume an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka consumer configuration in Python:
```python title="Consuming the event with python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
# Kafka configuration
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Consume events
for message in consumer:
event_data = json.loads(message.value)
print(f"Received Inventory Adjusted event: {event_data}")
id: PaymentInitiated
name: Payment Initiated
version: 0.0.1
summary: Event is triggered when a user initiates a payment through the Payment Service
- dboyne
- id: payments.{env}.events
env: staging
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The Payment Initiated event is triggered when a user initiates a payment through the Payment Service. This event signifies the beginning of the payment process and contains all necessary information to process the payment.
### Payload Example
```json title="Payload example"
"userId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"orderId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"amount": 100.50,
"paymentMethod": "CreditCard",
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
### Security Considerations
- **Authentication**: Ensure that only authenticated users can initiate a payment, and the userId in the payload matches the authenticated user.
- **Data Validation**: Validate all input data to prevent injection attacks or other malicious input.
- **Sensitive Data Handling**: Avoid including sensitive information (e.g., credit card numbers) in the event payload. Use secure channels and encryption for such data.
id: PaymentProcessed
name: Payment Processed
version: 1.0.0
summary: Event is triggered after the payment has been successfully processed
- dboyne
- id: payments.{env}.events
env: staging
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The PaymentProcessed event is triggered after the payment has been successfully processed by the Payment Service. This event signifies that a payment has been confirmed, and it communicates the outcome to other services and components within the system.
### Payload Example
```json title="Payload example"
"transactionId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"userId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"orderId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"amount": 100.50,
"paymentMethod": "CreditCard",
"status": "confirmed",
"confirmationDetails": {
"gatewayResponse": "Approved",
"transactionId": "abc123"
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
### Security Considerations
- **Data Validation**: Ensure that all data in the event payload is validated before publishing to prevent injection attacks or other malicious activities.
- **Sensitive Data Handling**: Avoid including sensitive information (e.g., full credit card numbers) in the event payload. Use secure channels and encryption for such data.
- **Authentication and Authorization**: Ensure that only authorized services can publish or consume PaymentProcessed events.
id: UserSubscriptionCancelled
name: User subscription cancelled
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
An event that is triggered when a users subscription has been cancelled
- subscriptions-management
- content: New!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `UserSubscriptionCancelled` event is triggered when a users subscription has been cancelled.
## Architecture diagram
id: UserSubscriptionStarted
name: User subscription started
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
An event that is triggered when a new user subscription has started
- subscriptions-management
- content: New!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `UserSubscriptionStarted` event is triggered when a user starts a new subscription with our service.
## Architecture diagram
id: InventoryAdjusted
name: Inventory adjusted
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Indicates a change in inventory level
- dboyne
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
When firing this event make sure you set the `correlation-id` in the headers. Our schemas have standard metadata make sure you read and follow it.
### Details
id: InventoryAdjusted
name: Inventory adjusted
version: 1.0.0
summary: |
Indicates a change in inventory level
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
## Overview
The `Inventory Adjusted` event is triggered whenever there is a change in the inventory levels of a product. This could occur due to various reasons such as receiving new stock, sales, returns, or manual adjustments by the inventory management team. The event ensures that all parts of the system that rely on inventory data are kept up-to-date with the latest inventory levels.
## Event Details
### Event Name
### Description
This event indicates that the inventory count for one or more products has been adjusted. The event carries the updated inventory details including the product ID, the new quantity, and the reason for the adjustment.
### Payload
The payload of the `Inventory Adjusted` event includes the following fields:
```json title="Example of payload" frame="terminal"
"event_id": "string",
"timestamp": "ISO 8601 date-time",
"product_id": "string",
"adjusted_quantity": "integer",
"new_quantity": "integer",
"adjustment_reason": "string",
"adjusted_by": "string"
### Producing the Event
To produce an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka producer configuration in Python:
```python title="Produce event in Python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json
from datetime import datetime
# Kafka configuration
producer = KafkaProducer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Event data
event_data = {
"event_id": "abc123",
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z',
"product_id": "prod987",
"adjusted_quantity": 10,
"new_quantity": 150,
"adjustment_reason": "restock",
"adjusted_by": "user123"
# Send event to Kafka topic
producer.send('inventory.adjusted', event_data)
### Consuming the Event
To consume an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka consumer configuration in Python:
```python title="Consuming the event with python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
# Kafka configuration
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Consume events
for message in consumer:
event_data = json.loads(message.value)
print(f"Received Inventory Adjusted event: {event_data}")
id: OutOfStock
name: Inventory out of stock
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Indicates inventory is out of stock
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- content: Channel:Apache Kafka
backgroundColor: yellow
textColor: yellow
## Overview
The `Inventory Adjusted` event is triggered whenever there is a change in the inventory levels of a product. This could occur due to various reasons such as receiving new stock, sales, returns, or manual adjustments by the inventory management team. The event ensures that all parts of the system that rely on inventory data are kept up-to-date with the latest inventory levels.
### Payload
The payload of the `Inventory Adjusted` event includes the following fields:
```json title="Example of payload" frame="terminal"
"event_id": "string",
"timestamp": "ISO 8601 date-time",
"product_id": "string",
"adjusted_quantity": "integer",
"new_quantity": "integer",
"adjustment_reason": "string",
"adjusted_by": "string"
### Producing the Event
To produce an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka producer configuration in Python:
```python title="Produce event in Python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaProducer
import json
from datetime import datetime
# Kafka configuration
producer = KafkaProducer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Event data
event_data = {
"event_id": "abc123",
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + 'Z',
"product_id": "prod987",
"adjusted_quantity": 10,
"new_quantity": 150,
"adjustment_reason": "restock",
"adjusted_by": "user123"
# Send event to Kafka topic
producer.send('inventory.adjusted', event_data)
### Consuming the Event
To consume an Inventory Adjusted event, use the following example Kafka consumer configuration in Python:
```python title="Consuming the event with python" frame="terminal"
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
import json
# Kafka configuration
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
value_serializer=lambda v: json.dumps(v).encode('utf-8')
# Consume events
for message in consumer:
event_data = json.loads(message.value)
print(f"Received Inventory Adjusted event: {event_data}")
id: PaymentProcessed
name: Payment Processed
version: 0.0.1
summary: Event is triggered after the payment has been successfully processed
- dboyne
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The PaymentProcessed event is triggered after the payment has been successfully processed by the Payment Service. This event signifies that a payment has been confirmed, and it communicates the outcome to other services and components within the system.
### Payload Example
```json title="Payload example"
"transactionId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"userId": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
"orderId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"amount": 100.50,
"paymentMethod": "CreditCard",
"status": "confirmed",
"confirmationDetails": {
"gatewayResponse": "Approved",
"transactionId": "abc123"
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
### Security Considerations
- **Data Validation**: Ensure that all data in the event payload is validated before publishing to prevent injection attacks or other malicious activities.
- **Sensitive Data Handling**: Avoid including sensitive information (e.g., full credit card numbers) in the event payload. Use secure channels and encryption for such data.
- **Authentication and Authorization**: Ensure that only authorized services can publish or consume PaymentProcessed events.
id: AddInventory
name: Add inventory
version: 0.0.3
summary: |
Command that will add item to a given inventory id
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- id: inventory.{env}.events
env: staging
schemaPath: 'schema.json'
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The AddInventory command is issued to add new stock to the inventory. This command is used by the inventory management system to update the quantity of products available in the warehouse or store.
## Architecture diagram
## Payload example
```json title="Payload example"
"productId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"quantity": 50,
"warehouseId": "456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc",
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
## Schema
id: CancelSubscription
name: Cancel subscription
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Command that will try and cancel a users subscription
- subscriptions-management
- content: New!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `CancelSubscription` command will try and cancel a subscription for the user.
## Architecture diagram
id: PlaceOrder
name: Place Order
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Command that will place an order
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: 'schema.json'
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The Order Placement Command is a versatile and robust system designed to streamline the process of placing an order. This command takes care of all the essential details needed to complete a purchase, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction from start to finish.
## Architecture diagram
## Schema
id: SubscribeUser
name: Subscribe user
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Command that will try and subscribe a given user
- subscriptions-management
- content: New!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `SubscribeUser` command represents when a new user wants to subscribe to our service.
## Architecture diagram
id: UpdateInventory
name: Update inventory
version: 0.0.3
summary: |
Command that will update a given inventory item
- dboyne
- msmith
- asmith
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
- id: inventory.{env}.events
env: staging
schemaPath: "schema.json"
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The UpdateInventory command is issued to update the existing stock levels of a product in the inventory. This command is used by the inventory management system to adjust the quantity of products available in the warehouse or store, either by increasing or decreasing the current stock levels.
## Architecture diagram
## Payload example
```json title="Payload example"
"productId": "789e1234-b56c-78d9-e012-3456789fghij",
"quantityChange": -10,
"warehouseId": "456e7891-c23d-45f6-b78a-123456789abc",
"timestamp": "2024-07-04T14:48:00Z"
## Schema (JSON schema)
id: GetInventoryList
name: List inventory list
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return inventory list
- dboyne
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The GetInventoryList message is a query used to retrieve a comprehensive list of all available inventory items within a system. It is designed to return detailed information about each item, such as product names, quantities, availability status, and potentially additional metadata like categories or locations. This query is typically utilized by systems or services that require a real-time view of current stock, ensuring that downstream applications or users have accurate and up-to-date information for decision-making or operational purposes. The GetInventoryList is ideal for use cases such as order processing, stock management, or reporting, providing visibility into the full range of inventory data.
id: GetInventoryStatus
name: Get inventory status
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return the current stock status for a specific product.
- dboyne
- content: GET Request
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The GetInventoryStatus message is a query designed to retrieve the current stock status for a specific product.
This query provides detailed information about the available quantity, reserved quantity, and the warehouse location where the product is stored. It is typically used by systems or services that need to determine the real-time availability of a product, enabling efficient stock management, order fulfillment, and inventory tracking processes.
This query is essential for ensuring accurate stock levels are reported to downstream systems, including e-commerce platforms, warehouse management systems, and sales channels.
### Query using CURL
Use this snippet to query the inventory status
```sh title="Example CURL command"
curl -X GET "https://api.yourdomain.com/inventory/status" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"productId": "12345"
id: GetNotificationDetails
name: Get notification details
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return detailed information about a specific notification, identified by its notificationId.
- dboyne
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `GetNotificationDetails` message is a query used to retrieve detailed information about a specific notification identified by its `notificationId`. It provides a comprehensive overview of the notification, including the title, message content, status (read/unread), the date it was created, and any additional metadata related to the notification, such as associated orders or system events. This query is helpful in scenarios where users or systems need detailed insights into a particular notification, such as retrieving full messages or auditing notifications sent to users.
Use cases include viewing detailed information about order updates, system notifications, or promotional messages, allowing users to view their full notification history and details.
id: GetOrder
name: Get order details
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return detailed information about a specific order, identified by its orderId.
- order-management
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `GetOrder` message is a query used to retrieve detailed information about a specific order, identified by its `orderId`. It provides information such as the order status (e.g., pending, completed, shipped), the items within the order, billing and shipping details, payment information, and the order's total amount. This query is commonly used by systems managing order processing, customer service, or order tracking functionalities.
This query can be applied in e-commerce systems, marketplaces, or any platform where users and systems need real-time order data for tracking, auditing, or managing customer purchases.
id: GetPaymentStatus
name: Get payment status
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return the payment status for a specific order, identified by its orderId.
- dboyne
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `GetPaymentStatus` message is a query used to retrieve the payment status for a specific order, identified by its `orderId`. This query returns the current status of the payment, such as whether it is pending, completed, failed, or refunded. It is used by systems that need to track the lifecycle of payments associated with orders, ensuring that the payment has been successfully processed or identifying if any issues occurred during the transaction.
This query is useful in scenarios such as order management, refund processing, or payment auditing, ensuring that users or systems have real-time visibility into the payment status for a given order.
id: GetSubscriptionStatus
name: Get subscription status
version: 0.0.2
summary: |
GET request that will return the current subscription status for a specific user, identified by their userId.
- subscriptions-management
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `GetSubscriptionStatus` message is a query used to retrieve the current subscription status for a specific user, identified by their `userId`. This query returns detailed information about the user's subscription, such as its current status (active, canceled, expired), the subscription tier or plan, and the next billing date. It is typically used by systems that manage user subscriptions, billing, and renewal processes to ensure that users are aware of their subscription details and any upcoming renewals.
This query is particularly useful in managing subscriptions for SaaS products, media services, or any recurring payment-based services where users need to manage and view their subscription information.
id: GetUserNotifications
name: Get user notifications
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return a list of notifications for a specific user, with options to filter by status (unread or all).
- dboyne
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `GetUserNotifications` message is a query used to retrieve a list of notifications for a specific user. It allows filtering by notification status, such as unread or all notifications. This query is typically utilized by notification services to display user-specific messages, such as order updates, promotional offers, or system notifications. It supports pagination through `limit` and `offset` parameters, ensuring that only a manageable number of notifications are retrieved at once. This query helps users stay informed about important events or updates related to their account, orders, or the platform.
Use cases include delivering notifications for order updates, promotional campaigns, or general system messages to keep the user informed.
id: GetSubscriptionStatus
name: Get subscription status
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
GET request that will return the current subscription status for a specific user, identified by their userId.
- dboyne
- content: Recently updated!
backgroundColor: green
textColor: green
schemaPath: schema.json
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The `GetSubscriptionStatus` message is a query used to retrieve the current subscription status for a specific user, identified by their `userId`. This query returns detailed information about the user's subscription, such as its current status (active, canceled, expired), the subscription tier or plan, and the next billing date. It is typically used by systems that manage user subscriptions, billing, and renewal processes to ensure that users are aware of their subscription details and any upcoming renewals.
This query is particularly useful in managing subscriptions for SaaS products, media services, or any recurring payment-based services where users need to manage and view their subscription information.
id: InventoryService
version: 0.0.2
name: Inventory Service
summary: |
Service that handles the inventory
- order-management
- id: OrderConfirmed
version: 0.0.1
- id: GetInventoryList
version: 0.0.1
- id: OrderAmended
- id: UpdateInventory
version: 0.0.3
- id: AddInventory
- id: GetInventoryStatus
- id: InventoryAdjusted
version: 0.0.4
- id: OutOfStock
version: 0.0.3
- id: GetOrder
version: 0.0.1
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The Inventory Service is a critical component of the system responsible for managing product stock levels, tracking inventory movements, and ensuring product availability. It interacts with other services to maintain accurate inventory records and supports operations such as order fulfillment, restocking, and inventory audits.
## Core features
| Feature | Description |
| Real-time Stock Tracking | Monitors inventory levels across all warehouses in real-time |
| Automated Reordering | Triggers purchase orders when stock levels fall below defined thresholds |
| Multi-warehouse Support | Manages inventory across multiple warehouse locations |
| Batch Processing | Handles bulk inventory updates and adjustments efficiently |
## Architecture diagram
## Infrastructure
The Inventory Service is hosted on AWS.
The diagram below shows the infrastructure of the Inventory Service. The service is hosted on AWS and uses AWS Lambda to handle the inventory requests. The inventory is stored in an AWS Aurora database and the inventory metadata is stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
group api(logos:aws)
service db(logos:aws-aurora)[Inventory DB] in api
service disk1(logos:aws-s3)[Inventory Metadata] in api
service server(logos:aws-lambda)[Inventory Handler] in api
db:L -- R:server
disk1:T -- B:server
You can find more information about the Inventory Service infrastructure in the [Inventory Service documentation](https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service/blob/main/README.md).
Request API credentials from the Inventory Service team.
Run the following command in your project directory:
npm install inventory-service-sdk
Use the following code to initialize the Inventory Service client:
const InventoryService = require('inventory-service-sdk');
const client = new InventoryService.Client({
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
apiUrl: 'https://api.inventoryservice.com/v1'
You can now use the client to make API calls. For example, to get all products:
.then(products => console.log(products))
.catch(error => console.error(error));
id: NotificationService
version: 0.0.2
name: Notifications
summary: |
Service that handles orders
- order-management
- id: InventoryAdjusted
version: ">1.0.0"
- id: PaymentProcessed
version: ^1.0.0
- id: GetUserNotifications
version: x
- id: GetNotificationDetails
version: x
- id: OutOfStock
version: latest
- id: GetInventoryList
version: 0.0.x
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The Notification Service is responsible for managing and delivering notifications to users and other services. It supports various notification channels such as email, SMS, push notifications, and in-app notifications. The service ensures reliable and timely delivery of messages and integrates with other services to trigger notifications based on specific events.
### Core features
| Feature | Description |
| Multi-Channel Delivery | Supports notifications via email, SMS, push notifications, and in-app messages |
| Template Management | Customizable notification templates with dynamic content placeholders |
| Delivery Status Tracking | Real-time tracking and monitoring of notification delivery status |
| Rate Limiting | Prevents notification flooding through configurable rate limits |
| Priority Queue | Handles urgent notifications with priority delivery mechanisms |
| Batch Processing | Efficiently processes and sends bulk notifications |
| Retry Mechanism | Automatic retry logic for failed notification deliveries |
| Event-Driven Notifications | Triggers notifications based on system events and user actions |
## Architecture diagram
## Core Concepts
- Description: A message that is sent to a user or a service.
- Attributes: notificationId, type, recipient, content, channel, status, timestamp
- Description: The medium through which the notification is delivered (e.g., email, SMS, push notification).
- Attributes: channelId, name, provider, configuration
## Infrastructure
The Notification Service is hosted on AWS.
The diagram below shows the infrastructure of the Notification Service. The service is hosted on AWS and uses AWS Lambda to handle the notification requests. The notification is stored in an AWS Aurora database and the notification metadata is stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
group api(logos:aws)
service db(logos:aws-aurora)[Notification DB] in api
service disk1(logos:aws-s3)[Notification Metadata] in api
service server(logos:aws-lambda)[Notification Handler] in api
db:L -- R:server
disk1:T -- B:server
You can find more information about the Notification Service infrastructure in the [Notification Service documentation](https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service/blob/main/README.md).
id: OrdersService
version: 0.0.3
name: Orders Service
summary: |
Service that handles orders
- order-management
- id: InventoryAdjusted
version: 0.0.3
- id: GetOrder
- id: UserSubscriptionCancelled
- id: OrderAmended
- id: OrderCancelled
- id: OrderConfirmed
- id: AddInventory
version: 0.0.3
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service
schemaPath: "openapi.yml"
asyncapiPath: order-service-asyncapi.yaml
openapiPath: openapi.yml
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The Orders Service is responsible for managing customer orders within the system. It handles order creation, updating, status tracking, and interactions with other services such as Inventory, Payment, and Notification services to ensure smooth order processing and fulfillment.
### Core features
| Feature | Description |
| Order Management | Handles order creation, updates, and status tracking |
| Inventory Integration | Validates and processes inventory for incoming orders |
| Payment Processing | Integrates with payment gateways to handle payment transactions |
| Notification Integration | Sends notifications to users and other services |
## Architecture diagram
## Infrastructure
The Orders Service is hosted on AWS.
The diagram below shows the infrastructure of the Orders Service. The service is hosted on AWS and uses AWS Lambda to handle the order requests. The order is stored in an AWS Aurora database and the order metadata is stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
group api(logos:aws)
service db(logos:aws-aurora)[Order DB] in api
service disk1(logos:aws-s3)[Order Metadata] in api
service server(logos:aws-lambda)[Order Handler] in api
db:L -- R:server
disk1:T -- B:server
You can find more information about the Orders Service infrastructure in the [Orders Service documentation](https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service/blob/main/README.md).
id: PaymentService
name: Payment Service
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Service that handles payments
- dboyne
- id: PaymentInitiated
version: 0.0.1
- id: GetPaymentStatus
- id: UserSubscriptionStarted
- id: InventoryAdjusted
- id: PaymentProcessed
version: 0.0.1
- id: GetOrder
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service
The Payment Service is a crucial component of our system that handles all payment-related operations. It processes payments, manages transactions, and communicates with other services through events. Using an event-driven architecture, it ensures that all actions are asynchronous, decoupled, and scalable.
### Core features
| Feature | Description |
| Payment Processing | Processes payments and manages transactions |
| Event-Driven Architecture | Ensures asynchronous, decoupled, and scalable operations |
| Integration with Payment Gateways | Interfaces with external payment providers |
## Infrastructure
The Payment Service is hosted on AWS.
The diagram below shows the infrastructure of the Payment Service. The service is hosted on AWS and uses AWS Lambda to handle the payment requests. The payment is stored in an AWS Aurora database and the payment metadata is stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
group api(logos:aws)
service db(logos:aws-aurora)[Payment DB] in api
service disk1(logos:aws-s3)[Payment Metadata] in api
service server(logos:aws-lambda)[Payment Handler] in api
db:L -- R:server
disk1:T -- B:server
You can find more information about the Payment Service infrastructure in the [Payment Service documentation](https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-payment-service/blob/main/README.md).
### Key Components
- Payment API: Exposes endpoints for initiating payments and querying payment status.
- Payment Processor: Handles the core payment processing logic.
- Event Bus: Manages the communication between services using events.
- Payment Gateway: Interfaces with external payment providers.
- Transaction Service: Manages transaction records and states.
- Notification Service: Sends notifications related to payment status changes.
- Database: Stores transaction data and payment status.
id: SubscriptionService
version: 0.0.1
name: Subscription Service
summary: |
Service that handles subscriptions
- subscriptions-management
- id: SubscribeUser
version: 0.0.1
- id: CancelSubscription
version: 0.0.1
- id: GetSubscriptionStatus
- id: PaymentProcessed
version: 0.0.1
- id: UserSubscriptionStarted
version: 0.0.1
- id: UserSubscriptionCancelled
version: 0.0.1
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-subscription-service
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The subscription Service is responsible for handling customer subscriptions in our system. It handles new subscriptions, cancelling subscriptions and updating them.
### Core features
| Feature | Description |
| Subscription Management | Handles subscription creation, updates, and status tracking |
| Payment Processing | Integrates with payment gateways to handle payment transactions |
| Notification Integration | Sends notifications to users and other services |
| Multi-Channel Fulfillment | Supports multiple fulfillment channels (e.g., shipping, in-store pickup) |
## Architecture diagram
## Infrastructure
The Subscription Service is hosted on AWS.
The diagram below shows the infrastructure of the Subscription Service. The service is hosted on AWS and uses AWS Lambda to handle the subscription requests. The subscription is stored in an AWS Aurora database and the subscription metadata is stored in an AWS S3 bucket.
group api(logos:aws)
service db(logos:aws-aurora)[Subscription DB] in api
service disk1(logos:aws-s3)[Subscription Metadata] in api
service server(logos:aws-lambda)[Subscription Handler] in api
db:L -- R:server
disk1:T -- B:server
You can find more information about the Subscription Service infrastructure in the [Subscription Service documentation](https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-subscription-service/blob/main/README.md).
id: InventoryService
version: 0.0.1
name: Inventory Service
summary: |
Service that handles the inventory
- dboyne
- full-stack
- mobile-devs
- id: OrderConfirmed
version: 0.0.1
- id: OrderCancelled
version: 0.0.1
- id: OrderAmended
version: 0.0.1
- id: UpdateInventory
version: 0.0.3
- id: InventoryAdjusted
version: 0.0.4
- id: OutOfStock
version: 0.0.3
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service
## Overview
The Inventory Service is a critical component of the system responsible for managing product stock levels, tracking inventory movements, and ensuring product availability. It interacts with other services to maintain accurate inventory records and supports operations such as order fulfillment, restocking, and inventory audits.
## Architecture diagram
id: OrdersService
version: 0.0.2
name: Orders Service
summary: |
Service that handles orders
- dboyne
- id: InventoryAdjusted
version: 0.0.3
- id: AddInventory
version: 0.0.3
language: JavaScript
url: https://github.com/event-catalog/pretend-shipping-service
schemaPath: "openapi.yml"
asyncapiPath: order-service-asyncapi.yaml
openapiPath: openapi.yml
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
The Orders Service is responsible for managing customer orders within the system. It handles order creation, updating, status tracking, and interactions with other services such as Inventory, Payment, and Notification services to ensure smooth order processing and fulfillment.
## Architecture diagram
id: Orders
name: Orders
version: 0.0.3
- dboyne
- full-stack
- id: InventoryService
version: 0.0.2
- id: NotificationService
version: 0.0.2
- id: OrdersService
version: 0.0.3
- content: New domain
backgroundColor: blue
textColor: blue
import Footer from '@catalog/components/footer.astro';
## Overview
Please ensure all services are updated to the latest version for compatibility and performance improvements.
The Orders domain handles all operations related to customer orders, from creation to fulfillment. This documentation provides an overview of the events and services involved in the Orders domain, helping developers and stakeholders understand the event-driven architecture.
## Bounded context
### Order example (sequence diagram)
participant Customer
participant OrdersService
participant InventoryService
participant NotificationService
Customer->>OrdersService: Place Order
OrdersService->>InventoryService: Check Inventory
InventoryService-->>OrdersService: Inventory Available
OrdersService->>InventoryService: Reserve Inventory
OrdersService->>NotificationService: Send Order Confirmation
NotificationService-->>Customer: Order Confirmation
OrdersService->>Customer: Order Placed Successfully
OrdersService->>InventoryService: Update Inventory
## Flows
### Cancel Subscription flow
Documented flow when a user cancels their subscription.
### Payment processing flow
Documented flow when a user makes a payment within the order domain
id: Payment
name: Payment
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Domain that contains payment related services and messages.
- dboyne
- id: PaymentService
version: 0.0.1
- content: Payment Domain
backgroundColor: blue
textColor: blue
## Overview
The Payment Domain encompasses all services and components related to handling financial transactions within the system. It is responsible for managing payments, transactions, billing, and financial records. The domain ensures secure, reliable, and efficient processing of all payment-related activities
## Bounded context
id: Subscription
name: Subscription
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Domain that contains subscription related services and messages.
- subscriptions-management
- id: SubscriptionService
version: 0.0.1
- content: Payment Domain
backgroundColor: blue
textColor: blue
## Overview
The Payment Domain encompasses all services and components related to handling financial transactions within the system. It is responsible for managing payments, transactions, billing, and financial records. The domain ensures secure, reliable, and efficient processing of all payment-related activities
## Bounded context
id: Orders
name: Orders
version: 0.0.1
summary: |
Domain for everything shopping
- dboyne
- full-stack
- id: InventoryService
version: 0.0.2
- content: New domain
backgroundColor: blue
textColor: blue
## Overview
id: Orders
name: Orders
version: 0.0.2
- dboyne
- id: InventoryService
version: 0.0.2
- id: NotificationService
version: 0.0.2
- id: OrdersService
version: 0.0.2
- content: New domain
backgroundColor: blue
textColor: blue
## Overview
The Orders domain handles all operations related to customer orders, from creation to fulfillment. This documentation provides an overview of the events and services involved in the Orders domain, helping developers and stakeholders understand the event-driven architecture.
Please ensure all services are updated to the latest version for compatibility and performance improvements.
## Bounded context
### Order example (sequence diagram)
participant Customer
participant OrdersService
participant InventoryService
participant NotificationService
Customer->>OrdersService: Place Order
OrdersService->>InventoryService: Check Inventory
InventoryService-->>OrdersService: Inventory Available
OrdersService->>InventoryService: Reserve Inventory
OrdersService->>NotificationService: Send Order Confirmation
NotificationService-->>Customer: Order Confirmation
OrdersService->>Customer: Order Placed Successfully
OrdersService->>InventoryService: Update Inventory
id: full-stack
name: Full stackers
summmary: Full stack developers based in London, UK
- dboyne
- rthomas
- lkim
- lnguyen
- kpatel
- dkim
email: test@test.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/boyney123
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel//?groupId=&tenantId=
## Overview
The Full Stack Team is responsible for developing and maintaining both the front-end and back-end components of our applications. This team ensures that the user interfaces are intuitive and responsive, and that the server-side logic and database interactions are efficient and secure. The Full Stack Team handles the entire lifecycle of web applications, from initial development to deployment and ongoing maintenance.
## Responsibilities
### Key Responsibilities
- **Front-End Development**: Design and implement user interfaces using modern web technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React).
- **Back-End Development**: Develop and maintain server-side logic, APIs, and database interactions (e.g., Node.js, Express, SQL/NoSQL databases).
- **Integration**: Ensure seamless communication between the front-end and back-end components.
- **Performance Optimization**: Optimize the performance and scalability of web applications.
- **Testing and Debugging**: Write and maintain unit, integration, and end-to-end tests to ensure the quality and reliability of the applications.
- **Deployment**: Manage the deployment of applications to production environments using CI/CD pipelines.
id: mobile-devs
name: The mobile devs
- msmith
- rsingh
- jbrown
- mwang
- jchen
The Mobile Devs team is responsible for the development and maintenance of the mobile applications for our company. This includes the iOS and Android apps that customers use to interact with our services, make purchases, and manage their accounts. The team ensures that the mobile apps are user-friendly, secure, and performant.
## Responsibilities
### 1. Mobile Application Development
- **Platform Support**: Developing and maintaining apps for iOS and Android platforms.
- **Feature Implementation**: Implementing new features based on product requirements and user feedback.
- **User Interface Design**: Ensuring a consistent and intuitive user interface across all mobile platforms.
- **Performance Optimization**: Optimizing the performance of mobile apps to ensure fast and smooth user experiences.
### 2. Integration with Backend Services
- **API Integration**: Integrating mobile apps with backend services using RESTful APIs and other communication protocols.
- **Real-time Updates**: Implementing real-time data updates and synchronization with backend services.
id: order-management
name: The order management team
- asmith
- mchen
- nshah
- slee
- spatel
The order management team is responsible for overseeing and optimizing the entire order lifecycle within our organization. Their key responsibilities include:
- Processing and validating incoming customer orders
- Managing order fulfillment workflows and inventory allocation
- Coordinating with warehouse and shipping teams
- Handling order modifications and cancellations
- Resolving order-related customer issues and disputes
- Monitoring order processing metrics and KPIs
- Implementing and maintaining order management systems
- Developing strategies to improve order accuracy and efficiency
The team works closely with sales, customer service, and logistics departments to ensure smooth order processing and customer satisfaction.
id: subscriptions-management
name: The subscriptions management team
- tgarcia
- alee
- rjohnson
- azhang
- rjones
- jmiller
The subscriptions management team is responsible for overseeing and optimizing the entire subscription lifecycle within our organization. Their key responsibilities include:
- Processing and validating incoming customer orders
- Managing order fulfillment workflows and inventory allocation
- Coordinating with warehouse and shipping teams
- Handling order modifications and cancellations
- Resolving order-related customer issues and disputes
The team works closely with sales, customer service, and logistics departments to ensure smooth order processing and customer satisfaction.
id: asmith
name: Amy Smith
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/48.jpg
role: Product owner
Hello! I'm Amy Smith, the Product Owner of the innovative Full Stackers team. With a strong focus on delivering exceptional value, I specialize in connecting business objectives with technical solutions to create products that users love.
### About Me
With a comprehensive background in product management and a solid understanding of software development, I bring a unique perspective to the table. My career has been driven by a passion for understanding user needs, defining clear product visions, and leading teams to successful product deliveries.
### What I Do
As the Product Owner for Full Stackers, my role involves a wide range of responsibilities aimed at ensuring our products are both high-quality and user-centric. Key aspects of my role include:
- **Product Vision & Strategy**: Defining and communicating the long-term vision and strategy for our products, ensuring alignment with the company's objectives and market demands.
- **Roadmap Planning**: Developing and maintaining a product roadmap that highlights key features and milestones, prioritizing tasks based on their business value and user feedback.
- **Stakeholder Management**: Engaging with stakeholders across the organization to gather requirements, provide updates, and ensure everyone is aligned on the product's direction.
- **User-Centric Design**: Championing the end-users by conducting user research, analyzing feedback, and ensuring our products effectively solve their problems.
- **Agile Leadership**: Leading the development process using Agile methodologies, facilitating sprint planning, and ensuring the team has clear priorities and objectives.
My mission is to deliver products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations. I thrive on the challenge of translating complex requirements into simple, intuitive solutions.
If you’re interested in product management, user experience, or discussing the latest trends in technology, feel free to reach out!
id: alee
name: Alice Lee
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/91.jpg
role: Technical Writer
As a Technical Writer on the Documentation team, I create clear, comprehensive documentation for our products and APIs. My focus is on making complex technical concepts accessible to developers and end-users alike. I collaborate with engineering teams to ensure our documentation stays current and accurate.
id: azhang
name: Alice Zhang
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/97.jpg
role: Data Engineer
email: azhang@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/azhang
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=azhang@company.com
Building and maintaining data pipelines and infrastructure...
id: dboyne
name: David Boyne
avatarUrl: "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1262283153563140096/DYRDqKg6_400x400.png"
role: Lead developer
email: test@test.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/boyney123
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=test@test.com
Hello! I'm David Boyne, the Tech Lead of an amazing team called Full Stackers. With a passion for building robust and scalable systems, I specialize in designing and implementing event-driven architectures that power modern, responsive applications.
### About Me
With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, I have honed my skills in full-stack development, cloud computing, and distributed systems. My journey has taken me through various roles, from software engineer to architect, and now as a tech lead, I am committed to driving innovation and excellence within my team.
### What I Do
At Full Stackers, we focus on creating seamless and efficient event-driven architectures that enhance the performance and scalability of our applications. My role involves:
- **Architecture Design**: Crafting scalable and resilient system architectures using event-driven paradigms.
- **Team Leadership**: Guiding a talented team of developers, fostering a collaborative and innovative environment.
- **Code Reviews & Mentorship**: Ensuring code quality and sharing knowledge to help the team grow.
- **Stakeholder Collaboration**: Working closely with other teams and stakeholders to align our technical solutions with business goals.
- **Continuous Improvement**: Advocating for best practices in software development, deployment, and monitoring.
I am passionate about leveraging the power of events to build systems that are not only highly responsive but also easier to maintain and extend. In an ever-evolving tech landscape, I strive to stay ahead of the curve, continuously learning and adapting to new technologies and methodologies.
Feel free to connect with me to discuss all things tech, event-driven architectures, or to exchange ideas on building better software systems!
*David Boyne*
*Tech Lead, Full Stackers*
id: dkim
name: David Kim
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/96.jpg
role: Performance Engineer
email: dkim@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/dkim
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=dkim@company.com
Optimizing application performance and user experience...
id: jbrown
name: Jessica Brown
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/95.jpg
role: UI/UX Designer
email: jbrown@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/jbrown
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=jbrown@company.com
Creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces...
id: jchen
name: Julia Chen
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/23.jpg
role: DevOps Engineer
As a DevOps Engineer on the Platform Engineering team, I specialize in building and maintaining our cloud infrastructure and deployment pipelines. My focus is on automating processes, improving system reliability, and ensuring smooth continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). I work closely with development teams to streamline their workflows and implement robust monitoring and alerting solutions.
id: jmiller
name: James Miller
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/18.jpg
role: Systems Architect
I'm a Systems Architect on the Infrastructure team, responsible for designing and evolving our technical architecture. My expertise includes cloud architecture, system integration, and scalability planning. I work closely with various teams to ensure our technical solutions align with business needs while maintaining technical excellence.
id: kpatel
name: Kiran Patel
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/92.jpg
role: Cloud Architect
email: kpatel@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/kpatel
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=kpatel@company.com
As a Cloud Architect, I design and implement scalable cloud infrastructure solutions...
id: lkim
name: Lisa Kim
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/89.jpg
role: Backend Engineer
As a Backend Engineer on the API Platform team, I design and implement
id: lnguyen
name: Lily Nguyen
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/1.jpg
role: Frontend Developer
email: lnguyen@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/lnguyen
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=lnguyen@company.com
Developing responsive web applications...
id: msmith
name: Martin Smith
avatarUrl: "https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/51.jpg"
role: Senior software engineer
As a Senior Mobile Developer on The Mobile Devs team, I play a key role in designing, developing, and maintaining our company’s mobile applications. My focus is on creating a seamless and intuitive user experience for our customers on both iOS and Android platforms. I work closely with cross-functional teams, including backend developers, UX/UI designers, and product managers, to deliver high-quality mobile solutions that meet business objectives and exceed user expectations.
id: mchen
name: Michelle Chen
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/93.jpg
role: Site Reliability Engineer
email: mchen@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/mchen
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=mchen@company.com
Specializing in maintaining system reliability and performance...
id: mwang
name: Michael Wang
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/98.jpg
role: ML Engineer
email: mwang@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/mwang
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=mwang@company.com
Developing and deploying machine learning models...
id: mwilson
name: Mike Wilson
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/77.jpg
role: QA Engineer
I'm a QA Engineer on the Quality Assurance team, ensuring our products meet the highest standards of quality and reliability. My focus includes automated testing, performance testing, and developing comprehensive test strategies. I work closely with development teams to implement effective testing practices throughout the development lifecycle.
id: nshah
name: Nina Shah
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/33.jpg
role: Scrum Master
As a Scrum Master for the Platform team, I facilitate agile processes and help remove obstacles to team productivity. My focus is on improving team dynamics, sprint planning, and process optimization. I work closely with product owners and development teams to ensure smooth project delivery.
id: rjohnson
name: Robert Johnson
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/32.jpg
role: UX Designer
I'm a UX Designer on the Design Systems team, passionate about creating intuitive and accessible user experiences. With a background in cognitive psychology and human-computer interaction, I focus on user research, wireframing, and prototyping. I collaborate closely with product teams to ensure our solutions meet both user needs and business objectives.
id: rjones
name: Robert Jones
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/100.jpg
role: Security Analyst
email: rjones@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/rjones
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=rjones@company.com
Analyzing and improving system security...
id: rsingh
name: Raj Singh
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/94.jpg
role: Mobile Developer
email: rsingh@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/rsingh
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=rsingh@company.com
Focused on developing cross-platform mobile applications...
id: rthomas
name: Ray Thomas
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/62.jpg
role: Frontend Engineer
I'm a Frontend Engineer on the Web Platform team, specializing in building responsive and accessible web applications. My expertise includes modern JavaScript frameworks, CSS architecture, and web performance optimization. I work closely with designers and backend teams to deliver exceptional user experiences.
id: spatel
name: Sanya Patel
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/67.jpg
role: Data Scientist
As a Data Scientist on the Analytics team, I leverage machine learning and statistical analysis to derive meaningful insights from our data. My expertise includes predictive modeling, A/B testing, and developing data-driven solutions. I work closely with product and engineering teams to implement data-driven features and optimize user experiences.
id: slee
name: Sarah Lee
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/99.jpg
role: Product Manager
email: slee@company.com
slackDirectMessageUrl: https://yourteam.slack.com/channels/slee
msTeamsDirectMessageUrl: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=slee@company.com
Managing product development and strategy...
id: tgarcia
name: Tom Garcia
avatarUrl: https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/men/41.jpg
role: Security Engineer
I'm a Security Engineer on the InfoSec team, responsible for maintaining and enhancing our organization's security posture. My focus includes vulnerability assessment, security architecture review, and implementing security best practices. I work closely with development teams to ensure security is built into our products from the ground up.